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  • Tags: 1985

Cadet Programs Conference Banquet and Ball - 17 February 1985

CPC Banquet-1985.pdf
Program for annual Cadet Programs Conference Banquet and Ball, held 17 February 1985 at Vandenberg AFB.

Cadet Programs Activities - 1985

Brochure describing cadet activities to be held by California Wing - Civil Air Patrol during 1985, including Cadet Programs Conference, Non-Commissioned Officer School, Cadet Officer Basic Course, encampment. 2 pages.

Group 15 Newsletter - April 1985

Newsletter published by San Gabriel Valley Group 15, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 4 pages.

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Group 1 Awards Banquet 1985

Gp1 AwardsBanquet-1985.pdf
Program for Annual Awards Banquet held by Los Angeles Group 1, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol, on 1 June 1985 at Los Angeles Air Force Base. 4 pages.

Air Force Moms - 29 April 1985

Newspaper article published 29 April 1984 in the Chula Vista Star-News.

Flying is still important to this pioneer pilot - 29 August 1985

Newspaper article (with photo) published 29 August 1985 in the Chula Vista Star-News.

Meeting announcement - 23 June 1985

Newspaper article published 23 June 1985 in the Chula Vista Star-News.

Civil Air Patrol holds first phase graduation - 22 March 1988

Newspaper article (with photos) published 22 March 1985 in the Chino Champion.

Civil Air Patrol going strong - 27 September 1985

Newspaper article (with photos) published 27 September 1985 in the Chino Champion.

Cadets Watson and Wrightsman train at Fallon - 23 July 1985

Newspaper article with photographs published 23 July 1985 in the Lassen County Times.