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40 planes, 100 searchers seek missing elderly pilot - 4 August 1980

Newspaper article published 4 August 1980 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

Civil Air Patrol records one of most successful years - 12 April 1978

Newspaper article published 12 April 1978 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

California Civil Air Patrol Search on Hold - 3 June 2003

Newspaper article published 3 June 2003 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

Wreckage of missing plane found; pilot killed - 3 February 2002

Newspaper article published 3 February 2002 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

Wreckage from missing plane found; at least 9 killed - 20 February 1989

Newspaper article published 20 February 1989 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

Chaplains are needed - 15 December 1989

Newspaper article published 15 December 1989 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

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Vanished pilot was upset over divorce - 30 November 1986

Newspaper article (with photo) published 30 November 1986 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

Air patrol searches for missing plane - 27 November 1986

Newspaper article (with photo) published 27 November er 1986 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

Search abandoned for missing plane - 1 December 1986

Newspaper article published 1 December 1986 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.