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CAP searches for missing plane - 3 August 1984

Newspaper article (with photo) published 3 August 1984 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

CAP squadron takes part in disaster exercise - 25 July 1982

Newspaper article published 25 July 1982 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

CAP leaders attend squadron school in Ukiah - 3 June 1981

Newspaper article published 3 June 1981 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

County CAPers return from Eureka exercise - 21 July 1981

Newspaper article published 21 July 1981 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

CAP commander presents Squadron of the Year award - 31 December 1981

Newspaper article (with photo) published 31 December 1981 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

Search continues for missing pilot - 22 June 1980

Newspaper article published 22 June 1980 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

Mitchell grad of UCLA - 11 September 1977

Newspaper article published 11 September 1977 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

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Civil Air Patrol camping - 8 April 1977

Newspaper article published 8 April 1977 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

Scholarship grants offered members of CAP - 25 March 1975

Newspaper article published 25 March 1975 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

Space Center tour for CAP - 22 January 1975

Newspaper article published 22 January 1975 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

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