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CAP Is Active in Earthquake Area: Members Help Evacuate Residents from Homes - March 1971

Newspaper article published in March 1971 issue of Civil Air Patrol News, detailing disaster relief efforts of California Wing following the Sylmar Earthquake

CAP Joins In Rescue Course - 14 May 1968

Newspaper article printed 14 May 1968 in the San Mateo Times.

CAP Landing Test Won by Frampton - 7 March 1955

Newspaper article published 7 March 1955 in the Citizen-News.

CAP leaders attend squadron school in Ukiah - 3 June 1981

Newspaper article published 3 June 1981 in the Ukiah Daily Journal, CA.

CAP Leaders Says Aircraft Owners' Response Skimpy - 23 February 1965

Newspaper article published 23 February 1965 in the Chico Enterprise-Record.

CAP Locates Wreckage of San Jose Plane - 16 August 1965

Newspaper article published 16 August 1965 in the Salinas Californian.

CAP Makes Important Use of Small Planes - 28 May 1953

Newspaper article published 28 May 1953 in the Oakland Tribune.

CAP Maps Courses To Boost School Aviation Subjects - 4 March 1953

Newspaper article published 4 March 1953 in The Fresno Bee.