Browse Items (6666 total)

2014 Legislative Day Brochure

2014 Legislative Day brochure for California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 4 pages.

2014 Personnel Authorizations

Personnel Authorizations published by California Wing - Civil Air Patrol, appointing wing staff and wing committees, and awarding various awards to wing members.

2015 California Wing Encampment

Weekbook published for the 2015 California Wing Encampment, held 1-8 July 2015 at Camp San Luis Obispo. 59 pages.

2015 Historian Report - Hawker Senior Squadron 128

2015 Historian Report from Hawker Senior Squadron 128, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. Submitted by Lt Col Thomas Sayers, CAP. 20 pages.

2015 Los Angeles County Air Show - 20-22 March 2015

LACo Airshow-2015.pdf
Flyer for the 2015 Los Angeles County Air Show, to be held 20-22 March 2015 at Fox Field, Lancaster, CA. 1 page.

2015 Personnel Authorizations

Personnel Authorizations published by California Wing - Civil Air Patrol, appointing wing staff and wing committees, and awarding various awards to wing members.

2016 California Wing Encampment

Week book published for the 2016 California Wing Encampment, held 24 June- 1 July 2016 at Camp San Luis Obispo, CA. 66 pages.

2016 Historian Report - Squadron 128

2016 Historan Report - Sqdn128.pdf
2016 Historian Report from Hawker Senior Squadron 128, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. Submitted by Lt Col Thomas Sayers, CAP. 19 pages.

2016 Historian Report - Squadron 188

2016 Historian Report - Sqdn188.pdf
2016 Historian Report from Amelia Earhart Senior Squadron 188, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. Submitted by 2d Lt Nikolay Zherebnenkov, CAP. 27 pages.

2016 Personnel Authorizations

PA 2016-01-Staff.pdf
Personnel Authorizations published by California Wing - Civil Air Patrol, appointing wing staff and wing committees, and awarding various awards to wing members.