Browse Items (6666 total)

2021 Personnel Authorizations

PA 001-21-001 Board-Committees.pdf
Personnel Authorizations issued during 2021 by California Wing - Civil Air Patrol.

2022 California Wing Encampment

CAWG Encampment-2022.pdf
Weekbook for the California Wing Cadet Encampment held 6-14 August 2022 at Camp Roberts, CA. 46 pages.

2022 Historian Report - Squadron 128

Sq 128 Hist Report, 2022.pdf
The Hawker Senior Squadron 128 Annual History Report that was written for the 2022 calendar year.

2022 Historian Report - Squadron 156

Squadron 156 History 2022.pdf
The Tri-Valley Composite Squadron 156 Annual History Report that was written for the 2022 calendar year.

2022 Historian Report - Squadron 18

2023 SQ18 CA015 UNIT HISTORY v2.pdf
The East Bay Cadet Squadron 18 Annual History Report that was written by 2d Lt Edmundo Fontanilla, CAP for the 2022 calendar year.

2022 Historian Report - Squadron 192

CA-180_Sq192 in CY 2022.pdf
The West Bay Composite Squadron 192 Annual History Report that was written for the 2022 calendar year.

2022 Historian Report - Squadron 51

CA-410 History 2022.pdf
The Clover Field Composite Squadron 51 Annual History Report that was written for the 2022 calendar year.

2022 Historian Report - Squadron 59

History for squadron 59 word.pdf
The Hemet-Ryan Composite Squadron 59 Annual History Report that was written for the 2022 calendar year.

2022 Historian Report - Squadron 86

2022 Historical Report Sq 86.pdf
The San Francisco Cadet Squadron 86 Annual History Report that was written by Lt Col Edinboro, CAP for the 2022 calendar year.

2022 Historian Report - Squadron 92

92 Squadron history -2022.pdf
The Auburn-Starr Squadron 92 Annual History Report that was written by Lt Col Nielsen, CAP for the 2022 calendar year.