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The Logbook - 10 June 1997

The Logbook-1997Jun10.pdf
10 June 1997 issue (Vol. 8, No. 4) of newsletter from Amelia Earhart Senior Squadron 188, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 6 pages.

The Logbook - July 1992

July 1992 (Vol. 4, No. 1) newsletter from Amelia Earhart Senior Squadron 188, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. Editor: 2nd Lt Juan Tinnirello, CAP. 4 pages.

Dispatch 188 - July 2010

Dispatch 188 -2010 July.pdf
July 2010 issue of Dispatch 188, newsletter from Amelia Earhart Squadron 188, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 6 pages.

Continue Search for Lost Pilot-Doctor - 27 December 1949

Newspaper article published 27 December 1949 in the Anaheim Bulletin

Civil Air Patrol Seeks Recruits For Every Branch - 27 March 1942

Newspaper article published 27 March 1942 in the the Anaheim Bulletin.

CAP Officer Killed in Practice Fight - 22 December 1944

Newspaper article published 22 December 1944 in the Anaheim Bulletin.

Lomita Flight Strip Bought by Torrance - 31 July 1947

Newspaper article published 31 July 1947 in the Anaheim Bulletin.

Missing Child Is Found Safe - 6 August 1948

Newspaper article published 6 August 1948 in the Anaheim Bulletin.

Civil Air Patrol Is Reactivated - 11 November 1948

Newspaper article published 11 November 1948 in the Anaheim Bulletin.

To Organize Civil Air Patrol Unit - 5 October 1948

Newspaper article published 5 October 1948 in the Anaheim Bulletin.