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1999 Historian Report - Squadron 47

1997 Historian Report from Skyhawks Composite Squadron 47, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol, Submitted by Capt Randy McClure. 3 pages.

1999 Historian Report - Squadron 55

1999 Historian Report from El Cajon Composite Squadron 55, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 4 pages.

1999 Historian Report - Squadron 65

1999 Historian Report from Lincoln Cadert Squadron 65, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 1 page.

1999 Historian Report - Squadron 85

1999 Historian Report from Eugene L. Carnahan Cadet Squadron 85, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. Submitted by Capt James Szykowny, Squadron 85 Commander. 1 page.

1999 Historian Report - Squadron 92

1999 Historian Report from Auburn Composite Squadron 92, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. Submitted by Lt Col Charles Staff, Squadron 22 Commander. 2 pages.

1999 Personnel Authorizations

CAWG PA1999-21.pdf
Personnel Authorizations published by California Wing - Civil Air Patrol, appointing staff and wing committees, and awarding various awards to wing members.

2 Alamedan Cadets Air Patrol Grads - 13 October 1953

Newspaper article published 13 October 1953 in the Oakland Tribune.

2 Area Men Found Dead in Sierras - 8 May 1959

Newspaper article published 8 May 1959 in the Pasadena Independent.

2 Area Men Found Dead in Sierras - 8 May 1959

Newspaper article published 8 May 1959 in the Pasadena Independent.

2 Bay Men Vanish In Private Plane - 1 October 1953

Newspaper article published 1 October 1953 in the Oakland Tribune.