Browse Items (6666 total)

First of Several Training Planes Received by Local Civil Air Patrol Group - 8 November 1945

Newspaper article published 8 November 1945 in Torrance Herald, CA.

Lomita CAP Squadron Wins Honor - 21 June 1945

Newspaper article published 21 June 1945 in the Torrance Herald

Air Cadets May Start Training in Civil Patrol - 2 September 1943

Newspaper article published 2 September 1943 in Torrance Herald

Letter to the Editor - 16 September 1954

Letter to the editor of Torrance Herald, from Maj D.C. Cochran, CAP, Commander of 7th Group, and 2nd Lt O.C. Rapier, Jr., Public Information Officer.

Squadron 95 Skyline - November 1969

November 1969 (Vol. 1, No. 1) issue of Squadron 95 Skyline newsletter from Torrance Cadet Squadron 95, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. Editor: WO Sye Malins, CAP. 2 pages.

Lost Moffett Jet Wreckage Found - 26 March 1959

Newspaper article published 26 March 1959 in the Times-Observer.

Lost Plane Found Safe - 11 March 1974

Newspaper article published 11 March 1974 in the Times-Herald.

Search Called Off For Plane - 13 January 1974

Newspaper articles published 13 January 1974 in the Times-Herald.

Deputies In Plane Crash - 11 February 1974

Newspaper article published 11 February 1974 in the Times-Herald.

Search Called Off For Plane - 13 January 1974

Newspaper article printed 13 January 1974 in the Times-Herald.