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- Tags: 1964
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In light plane wreckage: Fremont pilot, 2 passengers dead - 27 April 1975
Newspaper article printed 27 April 1975 in The Daily Review.
Tags: 1964, Fremont, Oakland, search mission
Memorial To Air Crash Victims - 11 September 1964
Newspaper article printed 11 September 1964 in the Humboldt Standard.
Tags: 1964, Erwin Hadley, Eureka, search mission, Squadron 34
Boat Parties Search For Helicopter Lost in Eel River: Ervin A. Hadley, Local Civil Air Patrol Head, Among Victims in Crash - 28 December 1964
Newspaper article printed 28 December 1964 in the Humboldt Standard.
Tags: 1964, Ervin Hadley, Eureka, search mission, Squadron 34
Civil Air Patrol Cadets Will Get Proclamation - 27 November 1964
Newspaper article printed 27 November 1964 in The Valley News and Valley Green Sheet.
Tags: 1964, Angus Fox, San Fernando Airport, Squadron 7
Touch and Go - December 1964
December 1964 issue of Touch and Go newsletter from Santa Barbara Composite Squadron 131, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 2 pages.
Tags: 1964, Squadron 131, Touch and Go
Touch and Go - December 1964
December 1964 issue of newsletter from Santa Barbara Composite Squadron 131, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 2 pages.
Tags: 1964, Squadron 131, Touch and Go
Valley Cadet on Exchange Tour of Europe - 21 August 1964
Newspaper article printed 19 August 1964 in the Pasadena Star-News.
Tags: 1964, IACE, Squadron 21
Training Explained - 25 October 1964
Newspaper photo printed 25 October 1964 in the Independent Press-Telegram.
Tags: 1964, Long Beach Airport
CAP Cadets Get Initial Workout in Mountain Search-Rescue Work - 23 June 1964
Newspaper article (with photo) printed 23 June 1964 printed in the Long Beach Press-Telegram.
Tags: 1964, cadet program, George McGregor, Group 7
Civil Air Patrol Holds Drill on Bomb Attack - 14 November 1964
Newspaper article printed 14 November 1964 printed in the Long Beach Press-Telegram.
Tags: 1964, Civil Defense, Hawthorne Airport
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CAWG Annual History Report CY 2020

The CAWG Annual History Report that was written by Capt Nikolay I. Zherebnenkov, CAP for the 2020 calendar year.