2017 Personnel Authorizations

PA 2017-01 Wing Staff.pdf
PA 2017-02 Wing Committee.pdf
PA 2017-03 Distress Find 17-M-0036A.pdf
PA 2017-04.pdf
PA 2017-05.pdf
PA 2017-06.pdf
PA 2017-07.pdf
PA 2017-08.pdf
PA 2017-09 .pdf
PA 2017-10.pdf
PA 2017-11 - NonDistress Find Wing and Group - Encampment 2017 .pdf
PA 2017-12.pdf
PA 2017-13.pdf
PA 2017-14 - Achievement Award - Encampment 2017.pdf
PA 2017-15 Commanders Awards - Encampment 2017.pdf
PA 2017-16 Lt Col Aylesworth - Asst. Emergency Service Training.pdf
PA 2017-18 - Encampment Ribbon and Clasp Authorization - 2017.pdf
PA 2017-19 - Command Chief - CMSgt Furniss.pdf
PA 2017-20 - Editor for Bear Facts.pdf
PA 2017-21 - Wing CAC Rep.pdf
PA 2017-22.pdf
PA 2017-23 - Non distress finds Jan thru Aug 2017.pdf
PA 2017-24 - Testing Officer and Assistant Testing Officer.pdf
PA 2017-29 - Achievement Awards - AESC 2017.pdf
PA 2017-30 - Appreciation Awards - AESC - 2017.pdf
PA 2017-31 - Commander's Commendation Awards - AESC.pdf
PA 2017-32 - Lt Col Benjamin T Edwards - Group 3 IGA.pdf
PA 2017-57 - Nov 2017 - Non Distress Finds.pdf
PA 2017-58 - Dec 2017 - Non Distress Finds.pdf

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2017 Personnel Authorizations


Personnel Authorizations published by California Wing - Civil Air Patrol, appointing wing staff and wing committees, and awarding various awards to wing members. Note: PA 2017-33 through PA 2017-56 were not issued.


California Wing (PCR-CA-001)




record: text
8.5" x 11"




text: personnel authorization


California Wing (PCR-CA-001), “2017 Personnel Authorizations,” California Wing History & Heritage, accessed December 22, 2024, https://cawghistory.cawgcap.org/items/show/1247.