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2017 California Wing Encampment

Encampment 2017.pdf
Weekbook published for the California Wing Encampment, held 13-20 June 2017 at Camp San Luis Obispo, CA. 53 pages.

2017 Historian Report - Squadron 107

2017HistorianReport-Sqdn107 .pdf
2017 Historian Report from Beach Cities Cadet Squadron 107, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 9 pages.

2017 Historian Report - Squadron 128

2017 Historian Report from Hawker Senior Squadron 128, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 16 pages.

2017 Historian Report - Squadron 138

2017 Historian Report from Los Angeles Cadet Squadron 138, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 26 pages.

2017 Historian Report - Squadron 188

2017HistorianReport - Sqdn188.pdf
2017 Historian Report from Amelia Earhart Senior Squadron 188, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 38 pages.

2017 Historian Report - Squadron 25

2017 Historian Report from Cable Composite Squadron 25, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 16 pages.

2017 Historian Report - Squadron 51

2017 Historian Report from Clover Field Composite Squadron 51, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 39 pages.

2017 Historian Report - Squadron 84

2017HistorianReport-Sqdn 84.pdf
2017 Historian Report from Edwards AFB Composite Squadron 84, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. Prepared by Major Gail Harper, CAP. 25 pages.

2017 Personnel Authorizations

PA 2017-01 Wing Staff.pdf
Personnel Authorizations published by California Wing - Civil Air Patrol, appointing wing staff and wing committees, and awarding various awards to wing members. Note: PA 2017-33 through PA 2017-56 were not issued.

2018 Historian Report - Group 2

2018 Historian Report from San Francisco Bay Group 2, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 31 pages.