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2018 Historian Report - Squadron 36

2018 Historian Report from John. J. Montgomery Cadet Squadron 25, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 4 pages.

2018 Historian Report - Squadron 44

2018 Historian Report from Diablo Composite Squadron 44, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 7 pages.

2018 Historian Report - Squadron 47

2018 Historian Report from Skyhawk Composite Squadron 47, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 7 pages.

2018 Historian Report - Squadron 50

2018 Historian Report from Lt Col Arthur King Composite Squadron 50, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 56 pages.

2018 Historian Report - Squadron 51

2018 Historian Report from Clover Field Composite Squadron 51, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 46 pages.

2018 Historian Report - Squadron 80

2018 Historian Report from San Jose Senior Squadron 80, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 8 pages.

2018 Historian Report - Squadron 85

2018 Historian Report from Eugene L. Carnahan Cadet Squadron 85, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 23 pages.

2018 Historian Report - Squadron 86

2018 Historian Report from San Francisco Cadet Squadron 86, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 7 pages.

2018 Personnel Authorizations

PA 18-01 cawg staff.pdf
Personnel Authorizations published by California Wing - Civil Air Patrol, appointing wing staff and wing committees, and awarding various awards to wing members.

2019 California Wing Cadet Encampment

Encampment 2019.pdf
Weekbook published for the 2019 California Wing Cadet Encampment held 6 - 13 July 2019 at Camp San Luis Obispo. 70 pages.