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- Tags: Squadron 85
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Civil Air Patrol plans celebration - 18 June 1982
Newspaper article published 18 June 1982 in The Mountain Democrat-Times.
Tags: 1982, Placerville, Squadron 85
CAP gets charter - 6 February 1981
Newspaper article published 6 February 1981 in The Mountain Democrat-Times.
Tags: 1981, Bob McRill, Eugene Carnahan, Placerville, Squadron 85
Three Civil Air Patrol cadets receive achievement awards - 21 January 1971
Newspaper article published 21 January 1971 in The Mountain Democrat.
Tags: 1971, Placerville Airport, Squadron 85
Open house at Sac Executive Airport - 14 May 2007
Newspaper article published 14 May 2007 in The Mountain Democrat.
Tags: 2007, Sacramento Airport, Squadron 85
Cadets fly high in Civil Air Patrol - 29 March 2007
Newspaper article (with photos) published 29 March 2007 in The Mountain Democrat.
Tags: 2007, Aaron Yanagihara, Placerville, Squadron 85
Cadets demonstrate responsibility and honor - 4 July 2002
Newspaper article (with photograph) published 4 July 2002 in The Mountain Democrat.
Tags: 2002, Cameron Park, Eugene Carnahan, James Szykowny, Squadron 85
Civil Air Patrol helps on the ground, too - 30 September 1999
Newspaper article (with photo) published 30 September 1999 in The Mountain Democrat.
New leader named for Civil Air Patrol - 18 November 1999
Newspaper article published 18 November 1999 in The Mountain Democrat.
Local cadets tour Washington DC area - 20 May 1987
Newspaper article (with photos) published 20 May 1987 in The Mountain Democrat.
Tags: 1987, Placerville, Squadron 85
Civil Air Patrol awards presented at banquet - 23 January 1987
Newspaper article published 23 January 1987 in The Mountain Democrat-Times.
Tags: 1987, Gene Carnahan, Group 25, Jud Adamy, Placerville, Squadron 85
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CAWG Annual History Report CY 2020

The CAWG Annual History Report that was written by Capt Nikolay I. Zherebnenkov, CAP for the 2020 calendar year.