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- Tags: Group 5
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Civil Air Patrol Squadrons Make Open House Plans - 20 September 1967
Newspaper article published 20 September 1967 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1967, Fresno Air Terminal, Group 5, IACE, John Didier, Ralph Majors, Visalia
CAP Group In 'Chicken' Drill - 21 March 1959
Newspaper article published 21 March 1959 in the Valley Times.
Tags: 1959, Group 5, James Dincau
Drill Teams Organized - 7 February 1959
Newspaper article published 7 February 1959 In the Valley Times.
Trinity Unit of CAP reaches squadron status - 1 April 1965
Newspaper article published 1 April 1965 in the Redding Record-Searchlight.
Tags: 1965, Group 5, Hazel Smith, Squadron 126, Trinity, Weaverville
The US Civil Air Patrol Reflects Upon a Successful Test Mission, in Which Airmen Took to the Skies to Practice Warning Humboldters About a Tsunami - 25 March 2022
Newspaper article (with photos) published 25 March 2022 in the Lost Coast Outpost.
Tags: 2022, Chris Suter, Group 2, Group 5, Noel Luneau, Randy Pesce, tsunami
Two Valley CAP Planes Hunt for Downed Aircraft - 6 November 1959
Newspaper article published 6 November 1959 in The Citizen-News.
'Senior Female' Award Goes To Local CAP Group 5 Head - 19 November 1966
Newspaper article (with photo) published 19 November 1966 in the Chico Enterprise Record.
Tags: 1966, Group 5, Hazel Smith, Raymond Gaver, Robert Allen, Squadron 26
La Canadan Honored by CAP Group - 14 June 1958
Newspaper article published 14 June 1958 in the Pasadena Independent.
Tags: 1958, Group 5, La Canada, Squadron 95, William Norton
New leader named for Civil Air Patrol - 18 November 1999
Newspaper article published 18 November 1999 in The Mountain Democrat.
La Canadan Honored by CAP Group - 14 June 1958
Newspaper article published 14 June 1958 in The Independent.
Tags: 1958, Group 5, Squadron 95
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CAWG Annual History Report CY 2020

The CAWG Annual History Report that was written by Capt Nikolay I. Zherebnenkov, CAP for the 2020 calendar year.