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- Tags: Raymond Gaver
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National CAP Denies Fault In Hunt For Family - 6 October 1967
Newspaper article published 6 October 1967 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1967, Carla Corbus, Hamilton AFB, Raymond Gaver, Redding, search mission
Civil Air Patrol Pilots Gather For Flight Checkouts - 12 July 1966
Newspaper article published 23 July 1966 in The Fresno Bee.
CAP Finishes Burbank Move - 20 January 1963
Newspaper article published 20 January 1963 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1963, Burbank, Lockheed Air Terminal, Raymond Gaver
Li'l Gabriel Cadet Band Wins Honors at CAP Review - 3 September 1962
Newspaper article published 3 September 1962 in the Daily News-Post.
CAP Cadets Hold Luncheon - 1 November 1962
Newspaper article published 1 November 1962 in The Gardena Valley News.
CAP Maneuvers Scheduled at Hemet Airport - 14 October 1959
Newspaper article published 14 October 1959 in the Daily News-Post.
Civil Air Patrol Heads Make Plans at Monterey - 2 August 1965
Newspaper article (with photograph) published 2 August 1965 in the Salinas Californian.
Top '65 Search Pilot Will Be Feted By CAP - 4 November 1965
Newspaper article published 4 November 1965 in The Sacramento Bee.
Tags: 1965, Group 4, Paul Robinson, Raymond Gaver, Sacramento, wing conference
Commanders Of CAP Will Hold Fresno Conclave - 24 September 1965
Newspaper article published 24 September 1965 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1965, Fresno, Leland Stoudt, Raymond Gaver, Squadron 104
'Senior Female' Award Goes To Local CAP Group 5 Head - 19 November 1966
Newspaper article (with photo) published 19 November 1966 in the Chico Enterprise Record.
Tags: 1966, Group 5, Hazel Smith, Raymond Gaver, Robert Allen, Squadron 26
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California Wing Tips - October-November 1943

October-November 1943 (Vol. 2, No. 10-11 Special Edition) of California Wing Tips magazine, official publication of California Wing - Civil Air…