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- Tags: Squadron 17
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CAP Will Mark Anniversary Of Founding - 30 November 1961
Newspaper article published 30 November 1961 in The Sacramento Bee.
Tags: 1961, Auburn, Beale AFB, CAP anniversary, Chico, Group 4, Mather AFB, McClellan AFB, Sacramento, Squadron 17, Squadron 78
Canada and Paris Trips Won by Two Air Cadets - 7 June 1953
Newspaper article (with photograph) published 7 June 1953 in the Los Angeles Times.
CAP Maneuvers Scheduled at Hemet Airport - 14 October 1959
Newspaper article published 14 October 1959 in the Daily News-Post.
Foothill Squadron Hosts CAP Units of San Gabriel Valley - 11 August 1953
Newspaper article (with photo) published 11 August 1953 in the Daily News-Post.
Accepts Award - 8 December 1965
Newspaper photograph published 8 December 1965 in the Pasadena Independent.
Tags: 1965, Donald Wilson, Pasadena, Squadron 17
New Commander - 22 November 1955
Newspaper photograph published 22 November 1955 in the Pasadena Independent.
Tags: 1955, Donald Johnstone, Group 15, Squadron 17
Civil Air Patrol Squadron in Drill - 3 August 1961
Newspaper article published 3 August 1961 in The Independent.
Tags: 1961, Squadron 17
CAP Interview Set - 7 August 1968
Newspaper article published 7 August 1968 in The Independent.
Tags: 1968, Squadron 17
Four Area Youths Join Air Cadets - 19 August 1970
Newspaper article published 19 August 1970 in The Independent.
Tags: 1970, cadet encampment, Squadron 17, Squadron 27, Vandenberg AFB
Civil Air Patrol Leaders Host Valley Newspapermen Tonight - 29 September 1960
Newspaper article published 29 September 1960 in the Pasadena Independent.
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CAWG Annual History Report CY 2021

2021 Annual Historian Report from California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. Prepared by Capt Nikolay Zherebnenkov, CAP. 56 pages.