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Civil Air Patrol's Life Not Easy - 9 June 1971
Newspaper article (with photographs) published 9 June 1971 in the Anaheim Bulletin.
General, Wife Found Dead in Crashed Plane - 7 June 1971
Newspaper article published 7 June 1971 in the Anaheim Bulletin.
Searchers Find Wreck Plane, Bodies of Four - 6 July 1971
Newspaper article published 6 July 1971 in the Anaheim Bulletin.
Tags: 1971, Hamilton AFB, Lake Tahoe, search mission
Four Killed In Plane Crash Near Gaviota - 18 November 1971
Newspaper article published 18 November 1971 in the Santa Ynez Valley News.
Tags: 1971, Gaviota, Lou Dartanner, Santa Barbara, search mission
S.Y. Valley Soaring Club Hosts Air Patrol Leaders - 8 April 1971
Newspaper article published 8 April 1971 in the Santa Ynez Valley News.
Rescue Squadron - 23 September 1971
Newspaper article published 23 September 1971 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1971, Fresno Air Terminal, Rod Stock
Change Of Command - 12 October 1971
Newspaper photograph published 12 October 1971 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1971, Group 12, Olon Hicks, Robert Martin
Olon Hicks Will Take Civil Air Patrol Reins - 4 October 1971
Newspaper article published 4 October 1971 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1971, Fresno Air Terminal, Group 12, James Hunt, Olon Hicks, Robert Martin
80 Take Part In CAP Test - 21 November 1971
Newspaper article published 21 November 1971 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1971, disaster exercise, Fresno, Fresno Air Terminal, Group 12, Olon Hicks
3 Fullerton Coaches Die In Crash - 15 November 1971
Newspaper article published 15 November 1971 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1971, Fullerton, Santa Barbara, search mission
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CAWG Annual History Report CY 2021

2021 Annual Historian Report from California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. Prepared by Capt Nikolay Zherebnenkov, CAP. 56 pages.