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  • Tags: 1964

Civil Air Patrol's Record Of Public Service Enviable - 8 December 1964

Newspaper editorial published 8 December 1964 in the Independent-Journal.

CAP Award To S.M. Unit - 1 July 1964

Newspaper article printed in the San Mateo Times and Daily News Leader.

Fliers Search for Plane - 24 July 1964

Newspaper article (with photo) printed 24 July 1964 in the San Mateo Times.

Civil Air Patrol to Hold Mock Search - 4 June 1966

Newspaper article printed 4 June 1966 in the Oakland Tribune.

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Press Hunt for Missing L.B. Plane - 24 March 1964

Newspaper article (with photo) printed 24 March 1964 in the Long Beach Press-Telegram.

Civil Air Patrol Holds Drill on Bomb Attack - 14 November 1964

Newspaper article printed 14 November 1964 printed in the Long Beach Press-Telegram.

CAP Cadets Get Initial Workout in Mountain Search-Rescue Work - 23 June 1964

Newspaper article (with photo) printed 23 June 1964 printed in the Long Beach Press-Telegram.

Training Explained - 25 October 1964

Newspaper photo printed 25 October 1964 in the Independent Press-Telegram.

Valley Cadet on Exchange Tour of Europe - 21 August 1964

Newspaper article printed 19 August 1964 in the Pasadena Star-News.

Touch and Go - December 1964

December 1964 issue of newsletter from Santa Barbara Composite Squadron 131, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 2 pages.