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- Tags: John White
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CAP Exercise Simulates Air Rescue Mission - 31 May 1955
Newspaper article published 31 May 1955 in The Fresno Bee.
CAP Talk Is Billed - 21 June 1955
Newspaper article published 21 June 1955 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1955, Fresno, John White
CAP Unit Honors Major J.S. White At Surprise Party - 27 July 1955
Newspaper article published 27 July 1955 in The Fresno Bee.
CAP Group Finds 'Lost' Plane In Training Check - 2 August 1953
Newspaper article (with photograph) published 2 August 1953 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1953, Alpaugh, Anderson Russell, Berneice Duelos, Chandler Squadron, Eugene Martson, Frank Rosenbaum, Fresno, Group 12, Hurant Simonian, Jack Barclay, John White, Max Denning, Nick Delgardo, Porterville, practice search, Prentice Warner, Russell Sherwin, San Joaquin Valley, search mission, Squadron 58, Squadron 60
CAP Toils At Teaching Plane Recognition In Civil Defense - 4 July 1952
Newspaper article (with photograph) published 4 July 1952 in The Fresno Bee.
Civil Air Unit Seeks Funds For Equipment - 25 August 1952
Newspaper article published 25 August 1952 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1952, Chandler Field, Fresno, Group 12, John White
Details Lacking - 20 September 1951
Newspaper article published 20 September 1951 in The Fresno Bee.
Valley Volunteer Fliers Observe Air Patrol Week - 27 November 1951
Newspaper article published 27 November 1951 in The Fresno Bee.
CAP Offers Training In Disaster Aid - 6 March 1951
Newspaper article (with photograph) published 6 March 1951 in The Fresno Bee.
Air Patrol's Disaster Role Is Stressed - 29 January 1951
Newspaper article (with photograph) published 29 January 1951 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1951, Chandler Field, David Hagerman, Group 12, John White, Walter Johnson
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California Wing Tips - October-November 1943

October-November 1943 (Vol. 2, No. 10-11 Special Edition) of California Wing Tips magazine, official publication of California Wing - Civil Air…