Browse Items (13 total)
- Tags: Squadron 18
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Civil Air Patrol To Hold Search and Rescue - 2 October 1959
Newspaper article published 2 October 1959 in the Oakland Tribune.
'Airlift' Will Help March of Dimes - 4 February 1960
Newspaper article (with photograph) published 4 February 1960 in the Oakland Tribune.
14 Civil Air Patrol Cadets Heading for Summer Camp - 12 August 1958
Newspaper article published 12 August 1958 in the Oakland Tribune.
Tags: 1958, cadet encampment, Mather AFB, Oakland, Sacramento, Squadron 12, Squadron 18
Civil Air Patrol to Mark 15th Birthday; Week Proclaimed - 25 November 1956
Newspaper article published 25 November 1956 in the Oakland Tribune.
2018 Historian Report - Squadron 18
2018 Historian Report from East Bay Composite Squadron 18, California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. 20 pages.
Tags: 2018, historian report, Squadron 18
Aviation Roundup: 1500 to Participate in CAP Rescue Maneuver - 7 September 1952
Newspaper column printed 7 September 1952 in the Oakland Tribune.
Six Italian Cadets Tour Bay Area - 26 July 1957
Newspaper article (with photos) printed 26 July 1957 in the Oakland Tribune.
Tags: 1957, IACE, Squadron 18
Air Pilots To Join In Test Cruise - 21 October 1957
Newspaper article printed 21 October 1957 in the Oakland Tribune.
Tags: 1957, Group 12, Group 16, Group 2, Squadron 18, WaldoField
CAP Marks Birthday Tomorrow - 30 November 1966
Newspaper article printed 30 November 1966 in the Oakland Tribune.
Tags: 1966, anniversary, Squadron 18
Girl, 17, Cadet Officer in CAP, Will Serve 2 Weeks in Hawaii - 15 June 1956
Newspaper article (with photo) printed 15 June 1956 in the Oakland Tribune.
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CAWG Annual History Report CY 2020

The CAWG Annual History Report that was written by Capt Nikolay I. Zherebnenkov, CAP for the 2020 calendar year.