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- Tags: Tehachapi Mountains
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Friend's search does not succeed - 5 May 1981
Newspaper article published 5 May 1981 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1981, Bakersfield, Burbank, search mission, Tehachapi Mountains, Visalia
Radar track believed made by missing plane - 30 April 1981
Newspaper article published 30 April 1981 in The Fresno Bee.
Search for plane - 23 April 1981
Newspaper article published 23 April 1981 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1981, Bakersfield, search mission, Tehachapi Mountains
Plane Carrying Highlands Pair Is Hunted Further - 18 April 1963
Newspaper article published 18 April 1963 in The Sacramento Bee.
Aircraft, 3 Fresnans Vanish In Kern Area - 15 March 1965
Newspaper article (with photograph) published 15 March 1965 in Fresno Bee.
Fog Again Bars Air Hunt For Missing Pair - 22 February 1963
Newspaper article published 22 February 1963 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1963, Fresno, Hamilton AFB, Riverside, search mission, Tehachapi Mountains
Hugh Air Search Is Organized For Visalia Plane - 3 December 1960
Newspaper article (with photographs) published 3 December 1960 in The Fresno Bee.
Kern Search Continues For Missing Plane - 14 November 1951
Newspaper article published 14 November 1951 in The Fresno Bee.
Tags: 1951, Bakersfield, search mission, Tehachapi Mountains
Remove Four Bodies from Wreckage of Light Plane - 24 December 1959
Newspaper article published 24 December 1959 in the Van Nuys News.
Tags: 1959, Gorman, search mission, Tehachapi Mountains
Policeman in plane hunted third day - 2 December 1971
Newspaper article (with photo) printed in the Long Beach Press-Telegram.
Tags: 1971, Gorman, Hamilton AFB, search mission, Tehachapi Mountains
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CAWG Annual History Report CY 2020

The CAWG Annual History Report that was written by Capt Nikolay I. Zherebnenkov, CAP for the 2020 calendar year.