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- Tags: Chula Vista
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Civil Air Patrol On Annual Mission - 4 December 1960
Newspaper article published 4 December 1960 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
CAP Pilots Get Mission Rates - 4 June 1964
Newspaper article published 4 June 1964 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
CAP Participates In Search For Missing Aircraft - 25 August 1960
Newspaper article published 25 August 1960 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Civil Air Patrol meeting - 20 July 1978
Newspaper article published 20 July 1978 in the Chula Vista Star News.
Tags: 1978, Bert Jacket, Brown Field, Chula Vista, Jozaa Buist
Searchers looks for three missing planes - 31 May 1976
Newspaper article published 31 May 1976 in the Redlands Daily Facts.
Tags: 1976, Chula Vista, Lompoc, Palm Springs, search mission
Jaycees Present Award, Hear Speaker at Meet - 5 November 1959
Newspaper article (with photo) published 5 November 1959 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Tags: 1959, Chula Vista, National City Airport, Squadron 83
National City Boy Wins Encampment Through CV CAP - 7 August 1958
Newspaper article published 7 August 1958 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Tags: 1958, Chula Vista, National City
CV Men Killed in Crash: Tracker Plane Goes Into Sea Off Northern Coast - 11 July 1957
Newspaper article published 11 July 1957 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Tags: 1957, Chula Vista, search mission
Local Men Active As C.A.P. Gets Under Way Again Here - 10 August 1950
Newspaper article published 10 August 1950 in the Chula Vista Star.
Tags: 1950, Chula Vista, Gillespie Field, Howard Moody
Chula Vistan Is Former German Jet Fighter Pilot; Flys for Fun Now - 29 November 1959
Part 1 of a newspaper feature (with photo) published 29 November 1959 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
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CAWG Annual History Report CY 2021

2021 Annual Historian Report from California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. Prepared by Capt Nikolay Zherebnenkov, CAP. 56 pages.