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- Tags: Squadron 83
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CAP Pilots Get Mission Rates - 4 June 1964
Newspaper article published 4 June 1964 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Two Local CAP Men Aid in Search - 14 May 1959
Area CAP Members Attend Conference - 14 May 1959
Newspaper articles (with photograph) published 14 May 1959 in the National City Star-News.
Tags: 1959, National City, search mission, Squadron 83
CAPing it off - 11 September 1969
Newspaper photograph published 11 September 1969 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Tags: 1969, cadet encampment, Camp Roberts, Squadron 83
Patrol seeking aerospace cadets - 27 February 1969
Newspaper article published 27 February 1969 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Tags: 1969, Brown Field, cadet program, Squadron 83
Civil air cadets sponsor bivouac - 7 December 1969
Newspaper article published 7 December 1969 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Pastor Wins Lt. Col. Rank In Local CAP - 1 August 1968
Newspaper article published 1 August 1968 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Tags: 1968, Brown Field, Frank DeNardo, Frank Watkins, Squadron 83
Area Civil Air Patrol Cadet Attend Camp - 28 December 1967
Newspaper article published 28 December 1967 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Tags: 1967, cadet encampment, Squadron 83
Area CAP Cadet Earns Honor - 7 December 1967
Newspaper article published 7 December 1967 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Tags: 1967, Brown Field, Squadron 83
Area CAP Members In Alaska - 17 August 1967
Newspaper article published 17 August 1967 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Tags: 1967, Alaska, cadet encampment, Eielson AFB, Squadron 83
Legendary NC Air Force lives on in memory - 25 September 1966
Newspaper article (with photos) published 25 September 1966 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Tags: 1966, AT-6, Byron Jacquot, National City Airport, Squadron 83
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CAWG Annual History Report CY 2021

2021 Annual Historian Report from California Wing - Civil Air Patrol. Prepared by Capt Nikolay Zherebnenkov, CAP. 56 pages.