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- Tags: National City Airport
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Civil Air Patrol On Annual Mission - 4 December 1960
Newspaper article published 4 December 1960 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
CAP Pilots Get Mission Rates - 4 June 1964
Newspaper article published 4 June 1964 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
CAP Participates In Search For Missing Aircraft - 25 August 1960
Newspaper article published 25 August 1960 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
CAP Squadron Marks Third Anniversary - 23 April 1959
Newspaper article published 23 April 1959 in the National City Star-News.
Legendary NC Air Force lives on in memory - 25 September 1966
Newspaper article (with photos) published 25 September 1966 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Tags: 1966, AT-6, Byron Jacquot, National City Airport, Squadron 83
End of a Flight Era - 6 February 1966
Newspaper photograph published 6 February 1966 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Tags: 1966, Brown Field, National City Airport
Coast Guard Tour - 28 May 1964
Newspaper article published 28 May 1964 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Tags: 1964, National City Airport, Squadron 83
Red Cross Canteens Aid CAP Air Hunt - 26 March 1964
Newspaper article (with photo) published 26 March 1964 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Cadets Tour PSA - 25 June 1964
Newspaper article published 25 June 1964 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
Brown Field Move Due In August for CAP - 18 June 1964
Newspaper article published 18 June 1964 in the Chula Vista Star-News.
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California Wing Tips - October-November 1943
October-November 1943 (Vol. 2, No. 10-11 Special Edition) of California Wing Tips magazine, official publication of California Wing - Civil Air…